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Our vision is a country where there is no opportunity gap among children, where every child makes lasting gains in cognitive, social, and emotional development through their early care and education experience. We are working to link early educator professional competencies with professional compensation and to transform the preparation of early educators.
North Star
Our work is guided by a “North Star”—a vision for success that helps us rally together around common goals, identify needs and work toward a long-term plan for the future. To help us get there, we developed a 15-year vision statement that guides our work. Based on a common set of goals and systems changes that we believe are essential to transforming the profession for the long term, the North Star aims to achieve the following in 15 years:
It requires us to work with others to tackle big systems change, to bring people together and work across sectors to set the highest standards for early educators, to build pathways for professional preparation and development, and to support all the early educators who partner with parents in preparing their children for school and life with the professional wages they deserve.
Stay up-to-date with our latest research and insights. We do not share or sell email addresses to outside parties. We will use your email address only to send you relevant content, and you can unsubscribe at any time.